Saturday, March 15, 2025

Health :To prevent dengue, clean houses completely: ACMO

Health .Patna News: Buxar city 30 October .!

The festival season has started in the district. But, during this period, the possibility of spread of dengue remains due to the terror of mosquitoes. In such a situation, people need to be even more cautious. People fall ill more in this season. In which the number of patients suffering from viral fever and cold is high. Due to which the patients suffering from dengue fever also consider themselves to be patients of viral fever and in the process of home treatment, their condition worsens further.



Which can prove fatal for them. In such a situation, the Health Committee is ready to protect people from dengue and make them aware. At the same time, complete arrangements have been made in Sadar Hospital for the treatment of dengue patients. Where 58 dengue patients were treated within the last three months. In which the condition of most of the people was brought under control. Those who were deficient in platelets were sent to Patna and got platelets transfused. At present, one dengue patient is undergoing treatment in the district. Also, health officials are in alert mode considering the possibility of dengue spread.


Fogging is being done to protect against mosquitoes:

Additional Chief Medical Officer cum District Vector Borne Disease Control Officer, Dr. Shailendra Kumar said, information is being taken from frontline workers in the areas where mosquito infestation is high. In urban areas, fogging is being done by the city administration. In rural areas, fogging and spraying of DDT powder is being done by the Malaria Department. So that mosquitoes can be prevented from breeding. He told that dengue mosquito bites only in the morning and evening. Therefore, during this time everyone, especially children, should wear clothes that cover their entire hands and legs. Also, if symptoms of dengue appear, patients should immediately go to their nearest health center and get themselves tested. So that, their treatment can be started in time.


People should clean around the house thoroughly:

Dr. Shailendra Kumar said, to avoid dengue, people will first have to protect themselves. Dengue mosquitoes breed in clean water. Therefore, people should not allow water to accumulate around their houses under any circumstances. He told that people are already busy cleaning their houses for Diwali and Chhath. In such a situation, they will have to take care that no old items should be kept in the terrace or garden area. During cleaning, people should not keep plastic bottles, pots, buckets, utensils, coconut shells etc. or any other item in which water is likely to accumulate in the open. Keep old items tied in a sack. Also, clean the houses thoroughly. So that there is no possibility of mosquitoes breeding.

Kunal Gupta
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